Thursday, May 19, 2011

My Zimriah Rankings, Part 1

What is best aydah in Zimriyah? Who is the worst? What is the order?

Before I begin, I would like to explain the method behind my rankings. I tried to rank these aydot as objectively as possible by assigning points to different aspects of Zimriyah performance. In order of most important to least important, I found that the four most cited reasons a particular aydah is great at Zimriyah were the following: how well did an aydah place from Arayot to Kerem? Were there any songs that an aydah performed that were extraordinary? Did the aydah win in Kerem,? Did the adyah sweep? Because of these four categories, and the fact that I already complied a top 15 list for best songs, I will explain how the point system works.
·      If an aydah got 1st, 2nd or 3rd place I awarded 3,2, and 1 point respectively. I didn’t bother compensating for ties because when it comes to legacy, it doesn’t matter if you tie.
·      If a song was the top five for any of the best songs lists, I gave the aydah a point. If it was in the top two, I gave the aydah an extra point. If it was the best of any category I gave it a third point. And if it was Maalot 01’s shir aydah, I gave it four (just because it was so good)
·      If an aydah won in Kerem or swept Zimriyah, I gave them 1.5 bonus points. I reasoned that in order to sweep or win in Kerem, you already got 3 points, but when it comes to legacy it is slightly better than having a song in a top five.

NOTE: I am only judging the aydot when they were alone, i.e. from arayot to kerem. For these rankings I wanted to see how the aydah preformed when they were independent and older, not when they had another aydah with them. 

Anyway, here is the order from worse to first.

11. Kerem 11:
 Points 0.
Best song: Boche El Hakirot [1] (Maalot, Yisraeli).
Worse song: I Believe (Leviim, Aydah)

I just don’t know what it is, but Kerem 11 is just 100% horrible at Zimriyah. As the only aydah never to place, nor have a top 15 song, they are an anomaly when it comes to the new era of Zimriyah. Daniel Hoffman once explained to me why they were so bad: “[For their Shir Aydah in Leviim,] they started off key, and then Bentzi tried to match their key so that they wouldn't sound as bad.  However they changed key again, so that despite his best efforts they were still out of key. Fortunately they didn’t care that much- or maybe it was part of the cause.” I think Hoffman got it spot on. Especially among the some of boys, it just doesn’t seem like they care, and really there isn’t a strong male voice to have an epic solo.   In Maalot, they were certainly better, but I think everyone realized going into Zimriyah that year, the competition would be a battle between Leviim and Kerem for the gold. Now, not all hope is lost. They still have one more year, and they need to get 3 points to tie Kerem 09 in my rankings. Kerem has placed in Zimriyah for the past 8 years, so there is a good chance they will get at least one point. If they win, they will automatically clinch, not being the worst (with the bonus Kerem points) but I don’t know how likely that will be.

10. Kerem 09-

 2nd in Kerem (2), Top five shir Chasidi (1), Points: 3
Best Song: Samachti (Kerem, Chasidi)
Worst Song: Vayhu Ha Devarim (Arayot, Chasidi)

If Kerem 11 thinks they have a chance at being the only aydah not to get at least one Zimriyah point they should look no further than Kerem 09. Why? Because, going into Kerem, this aydah had also received a total of 0 points. However, I really don’t think they were as bad at Kerem 11 has been. Going into Zimirah 2007, a lot of people thought that this aydah (Leviim at the time) was going to win. They flopped. Once again in Maalot, when I was their counselor, and won Melech Zimriyah with them, we had some pretty awesome songs. But when Zimriyah came they flopped again. The only redeeming factor that year was that Gavi Bohan was amazing and they aydah earned second place for shir aydah. Now in Kerem, enter Jordana Suldan and Ben Rotter. In short, these two campers essentially became counselors and for the most part everyone listened to them as if they were. Somehow, someway, it worked, and they performed quite well their Kerem summer. Kudos to Kerem 09 for not being the worst at Zimriyah.

9. Kerem 02-
3rd in Maalot (1) , Best Shir Aydah (4).  Points: 5
Best Song: Like a Prayer, (Maalot, Aydah)
Worse song: David Melech (Maalot, Chasidi)

Kerem 2002 was like Los del Rio. Yep that’s right, in 1995 Los del Rio released a song called the Macarena. According to Wikipedia they were number 1 on ‘billboard’s hot 100’ for 3 and half months in 1996 which ties it for second longest of all time. And yet Los del Rio made no other legitimate music besides that one single. We love the Macarena but don’t care about anything else they created. In fact, Los del Rio was named #1 on the VH1’s list of top one hit wonders of all time.  That’s Kerem 02 for you. Invested so much energy making that amazing song, but never really performed before or after that. That same year in fact, they did a song called David Melech, which had only five words and they wore gold crown. It was horrible. However, there is no question, for as long as I am still around talking about Zimriyah, they will be known as the aydah that did “Like a Prayer,” rocked it and changed the face of Zimriyah.

[1] By default, it’s the only song they have ever placed in. 


  1. I would like to clarify that campers in Kerem 11 who have been going to Yavneh for at least 7 years can remember our aydah's overall 2nd place finish in Gurim - we were in older Gurim at the time.

    Those were the good days...

  2. I was also going to point out that we (Kerem 11) did receive second place overall in Gurim.
    Also, in your post titled, "Top Five (Top Six): Shir Aydah" you tied K'firim '06 for third best shir ayda, which was when Kerem '11 was in younger K'firim. So not only have we placed before, but we also have been given a shout out for doing well on the Camp Yavneh Theory. Therefore, I do not think we are complete Zimriyah failures...

  3. To answer both of your questions, I am only judging the aydah when they were alone, i.e. from arayot to kerem. You both are right that gurim placed and kfirim got a top 5 ( top 6) but for these rankings I wanted to see how the aydah preformed when they were independent and older.

  4. Yoni, my name is Michael Zanger-Tishler and I am a member of kerem 11 (I dont like anonymity). I strongly disagree with the way you present our zimriyah performances. Often times, counselors (in arayot leviim and even maalot) can play a big part in the performance and Yoni and Mindi are not the most musically inclined.

    Were is the section on KTV (3 time champions) and why have I never heard that kerem 2010 is bad at anything? We have not been given a chance to prove ourselves Independently like we have in KTV and when we do this year things are going to change.

    I love this blog, I love camp and I like you too Yoni. That's why we are going to win this year to prove you wrong.

  5. we are going to win this year- k11

  6. we are going to win zim- k11

  7. kerem 2011 is going to prove everyone wrong this summer and win zimriyah.

  8. We will win zimriyah this year. - k11

  9. We will win zimriyah this year. - k11

  10. we will win zimriyah this year -k11

  11. we will win zimriyah this year -k11

  12. kerem '11 is strong enough to channel your comment into motivation to win zimriyah this year. we appreciate the support! kerem '11 is strong, united, and this year will be victorious.

  13. I have nothing but respect for you and this blog, but after this year's Zimryah you're going to have to make serious changes to that list!- K11

  14. MZT, Orli and everyone else from Kerem 11--

    I had no idea the effect that my blog has, but it is clearly more widespread that I thought.

    That being said, as you guys go into the summer, you guys will be faced with a lot of challenges from zim, to the play to mac etc. Its grueling yet amazing at the same time. Yoni and your staff will be incredibly helpful, but at the end of the day it is up to you and your inspiration and perseverance to do the best job you can.

    It is clear from talking with Yoni and Tali and seeing your responses on my blog you have this determination needed. I would be honored to rewrite my Zimriyah section if you guys do well. Hopefully I will be able to be there this year for Zim to cheer you on

    I am sure Kerem 11 will be a great Kerem, I am looking forward to hearing all about it.

    Thanks guys for keeping me honest-


  15. I hope you come back as a judge to see us win -k11

  16. we don't need to care about what every other aydah says. what they say to discourage us will only make us stronger. we are strong, united, determined and just pretty awesome. we can and we WILL do this.
    Let's make them regret that they doubted us ever.
    i mean after all on a scale of one to ten we're an eleven.


  17. K'11 has the force of a great typhoon...

    we are going to win zim

  18. Also Yoni,

    I think that Kerem 2011's shir yisraeli this past year was incredible, worthy of a top 3 finish, and possibly their best song performed thus far.

    I definitely got emotional and still listen to it.


  19. also yoni, we placed in shir yisraeli for boche el hakirot not for high school never ends.

  20. thanks for noticing my mistake. it has been fixed.

  21. "why have I never heard that kerem 2010 is bad at anything?"
    MZT what were we bad at? Do you really think Yoni is biased? I think we were a pretty good Kerem and if you read some of his other posts I am not the only one who thinks that. The comment section is to voice your opinions so go for it bud.

    Also I don't think its quite fair to say that you haven't been the best in zimriyah because of your counselors you guys are still the ones singing. Yoni can write at his own pace when he writes about KTV I'm sure you guys will be mentioned and complimented. Also did you guys really do all three of your KTV wins completely independently without any help from your counselors? I may be wrong but I think my aydah won when you were in Leviim so the earliest you could have won would've been older Kfirim and I doubt (though again I could be wrong) that you guys completely choreographed a KTV skit by yourselves at that age. I think you guys did great this year and in past years I'm just saying that it seems it's really not fair to say that you guys would be awesome if not for your counselors dragging you down. On top of that I am fairly certain that if your counselors read this blog, they would not be so happy to hear that you guys will be awesome once you are outside of their influence. Although it is harsh to say things like "Kerem 11 is just 100% horrible at Zimriyah," I don't think it was a comment specifically meant to make your aydah angry or something that Yoni thought he could get away with saying because he didn't think you guys read his blog. No aydah will be perfect, so to go full circle, I really am interested in hearing any criticisms you have about our Kerem. I definitely mean this comment sincerely and as a friend and not in anyway hostile I just want to maybe bring to your attention the implications of your post. Also Yoni I love your blog
    -Jeremy Tibbetts

  22. Jeremy,
    First of all you are the greatest and I know you want me to respond because you facebook messaged to tell me to respond. First, let me say that in my 6 years at camp, kerem 2010 has been the best kerem. Period. You guys did so many amazing things and especially being a year younger it is hard for me to admit that. In no way were my comments meant to denigrate Kerem 2kx. The point about us being indepedent was also taken slightly out of context. I was refering to our success this year, although our performance the year before (which was unfortunately sabotaged by a projector mishap) was also independent and our performance two years before that in which we placed 3rd was also an independent achievement. It was mostly meant (in all honesty) as an insult to kerem 2012 whose successes in zimriyah are in large part due to their incredibly enthusiastic counselors. That being said, they have swept two years and we have been in last place so take my criticism for what it is worth. My shot at Yoni was meant just to point out that every history is subjective. There is inherent bias in everything and I was just pointing out that everything Yoni writes comes from the point of view of someone who was a Kerem Rosh for Kerem 2010 and 2007. Again, Yoni is contributing to the entire community by writing this blog and anyone who could write as much as Yoni has written would at some point express bias.

    More to the point, however, I was very frustrated at being called the worst at zimriyah. I think there are lots of things which are more appopriate, respectful, and correct to call us. Mostly, I do not think that anyone who knows us would say that we are inherently bad at zimriyah and I was very upset. The year that we embarrasingly performed high school never ends, Yoni and Mindi actually changed the way we performed the song the day of. They wanted us to start off acoustic. I have a fairly extensive classical music background and could clearly tell that this was a bad idea and that we would start off tune. As an obnoxious 14 year old boy, no one thought to listen to me. In fact, if you listen to the prerecorded version we actually sound OK.

    I love this discussion Jeremy, lets keep it going.

  23. HA kerem '11 has the force of a great typhoon... we are so witty!!!!!


  25. Jeremy I don't think we meant to blame our counselors entirely, we know that it's not entirely their fault because it's mainly ours of course, but counselors have to have a small role in it considering they chose the songs, but we did not at all mean to insult them because we love them and would not be the best no matter what.

  26. JEREMY! well you asked me to respond to this so I will. I know it is like two weeks after you posted it but the first time I posted my comment it did not work.

    First, I think that in my time at Yavneh Kerem 2010 has been the best Kerem. Period. And that means something coming from the aydah younger than you. So everything that I wrote should be taken in that context. My comment was that everything anyone says (I am included in this) has some sort of bias. Yoni puts Kerem 04 on his list of "worst at zimriyah" but does not put them last. I was not at Yavneh in 2004, but my point is not that he is biased against us but that there could potentially be some sort of personal opinion influencing what he says. That being said, almost no one else in the entire camp has the time, knowledge, and passion to write this blog and if i could pick anyone to write an authoritative history of Yavneh I would pick Yoni.

    Jeremy, we have completely choreographed the last three years of ktv, 3rd place in arayot planning it in literally 3 hours, in leviim we had projector issues and we were victorious last summer. My discussion of counselor influence was pointed towards (in all honesty) kerem 2012 whose counselors control and decide almost everything they do. Once again, however, we haven't placed in zimriyah and they have swept twice so take my opinion for what it is worth.

    hope this helps jeremy.... Yoni I love the blog.

  27. AMEN to the kerem 2012 counselors doing EVERYTHING for them. they did not even make up their own hand motions for zimriyah this summer. i mean seriously? they were in leviim for goodness sake. as much as we all love the powerhouse duo of male madrichim that they have (the others arent the most musically inclined), we have to understand that this is not fair, and they dont have to try to get what they want, and that the counselors are the only ones who care about what the results are (aka, leviim this year did not want the win as much as the counselors, and the kids fed off of the counselor energy which is bad in zimriyah. in my unbiased opinion, i thought that 2kx deserved the win more than any other aydah, both from their performance, determination, perseverance, and strong will.)
    that being said, although they appear to be good at zimriyah because of the micromanaging that the counselors put into it, we have to acknowledge that we really cannot define an aydah because of zimriyah performance. although kerem 2012 seems to be a zim "powerhouse" due to the counselor involvement, if left to the campers, my guess is that they would not do very well. so really kerem 2011, i have a lot of respect for you guys since although you didnt do too well in zimriyah, you take a lot of pride in what you are able to do on your own. your hand motions this summer were impeccable, and its amazing how much pride you take in your ktv.

  28. if i could hug the person who just commented the "AMEN.." part, i would. i don't think anyone could have said any of that about kerem 2012 better than you have.
    wow- kudos to you

  29. As a member of K'12 I definitely disagree with that last two comments. Though you're definitely right that Avi and Neal are amazing and put a ton of work into our zimriyah performance I think that it is unfair to say that the campers do nothing at all. For starters we were in Leviim this past summer and it has never been expected that campers take the leadership role of zimriyah in leviim. Secondly, our campers did make up a good deal of our hand motions. Sara Waxman and Abby Suldan did all of the hand motions for Kama Ahava and taught them to the rest of us. We wanted to win zimriyah more than almost anything. To be honest, in my opinion, I don't think that most of us thought that we had a chance of winning until a few days before zimriyah when we really started to pull through. Most of us weren't confident with our Shir Aydah, especially since we were comparing it to the All The Above mashup from our Arayot summer which was truly amazing. As an ayda we agreed that we did not deserve the sweep though we do feel that we deserved the win. I definitely give props to 2KX because they wanted it bad and they had a truly great performance, and again, we didn't deserve the sweep. I agree with what you are saying about our counselor involvement, we do have counselors that love zim and want the win as badly as we do. However, I'd like to argue that in the younger aydot (I'm counting that as up to ma'alot) the counselors that an ayda lands with play a big part in the identity of the ayda. No ayda would be where they are if it weren't for the counselors that put in countless hours of work to help their ayda succeed in all aspects of camp. I think that it is very unfair of you to be so harsh and judgemental to K'12 when many of your facts are wrong or biased.

  30. Malot '11 is gonna win zimrya and the previous writer is right we did do stuff on our own

  31. Sorry I didn't mean to post that as anonymous. The long paragraph was me.

  32. okay, everyone here please stop hating/fighting/arguing or whatever, i am not going to say who i am or what kerem i am in/was in but honestly no disrespect to the blog, i have enjoyed reading every word of it, but i just think everyone here who is in kerem or maalot or any aydah shouldnt be focusing all their time on arguing about the past, they should be focusing on winning in the future. just an opinion
